Thursday, December 26, 2019

Online Data Collection and Personal Privacy-a Review of...

Introduction The growth of the internet enters into marketing world (KÄ ±mÄ ±loÄŸlu, 2004). The internet is used as another marketing tool in several purposes; a cost-effective advertising channel (Eri, Islam and Daud, 2011), a resource for customers’ personal data obtaining (Pope and Lowen, 2009), and a market place (Lwin, Wirtz and Williams, 2007). Apart from those rising benefits, there are also problems and ethical issues growing aside. Privacy seems to be the biggest issue that marketers have to deal with the growth marketing use of the internet (Pitta, Franzak and Laric, 2003; Miyazaki, 2008). Many researches found that privacy could have effects on trust, loyalty, and attitude on customers toward companies doing business on the†¦show more content†¦3.Collecting 2 personal data to create information with intention of selling it; this approach of data collecting tends to be the most invasive to personal privacy perspectives. Miyazaki (2008) states that the invasion of personal privacy of data collecting occurs when it is combined by two perspectives; tracking data and information of customers (KÄ ±mÄ ±loÄŸlu, 2004), and the lack of information about how data is collected or is used and ability to control. The latter seems to be a huge problem issue and privacy invasion (Dommeyer and Gross, 2003; Pitta, Franzak and Laric, 2003; Dubelaar, Jevons and Parker, 2003; Christiansen, 2011). There are many undisclosed circumstances of using personal information that threat customers’ privacy for example price adjusting and shopping pattern tracking. Insurance companies measure individual’s risk of injury and death based on personal information of the internet searches and blogs, then accordingly adjust one’s insurance price (Pitta, Franzak and Laric, 2003; Christiansen, 2011). Providing a club card to use in supermarkets for customers to collect points allows supermarkets to track consumer s’ shopping patterns (Pitta, Franzak and Laric, 2003). As the increase of data collection and media reports of its affect (Pitta, Franzak and Laric, 2003; Ha, 2004), privacy concern increases on customers (Pitta, Franzak and Laric, 2003; Ha, 2004; Spake, Finney and Joseph, 2011; Bernard, 2011). This is theShow MoreRelatedDetermining The Data Collection Tools823 Words   |  4 Pages5: Determine the data collection methods that will be used to collect the study data. The researcher examines the reason of the case study in depth using a selection of data gathering methods, to provide proof that leads to an understanding of the case, and answers the research questions. An important point of the case study method involves using multiple data collection; interviews, document reviews, collection of physical artifacts, and archival records. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Fisher Vs. Texas State University Of Texas - 2466 Words

Fisher vs. Texas Background In 1997, Texas legislature passed a law that all high school seniors were to be accepted to the University of Texas if they finish in the top ten percent of their class. The University of Texas followed this law but found that their student body was becoming less and diverse. Universities believe that having a diverse student is an important part of learning. To add diversity, the University of Texas decided to modify its race neutral policy. Now the university would use race for admission decisions. The University of Texas continued to follow the rule that the top ten percent of high school students would be automatically admitted into UT. This rule accounted for 81% of 2008 s freshman class. The other 19% of applicants could still be admitted by good GPA, high-standardized test scores, family conditions, leadership, and race (FISHER v. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS). Abigail Fisher applied for undergrad admission to the University of Texas in 2008. Fisher, a white female, did not qualify for automatic admission because she was not in the top 10 percent of her graduating class. Abigail had high school GPA of 3.59 and ranked in the top 12% of her class at Stephen F. Austin High School. She scored 1180 on the out of a possible 1600. To compare Abigail’s scores to the incoming class of University of Texas the 25th percentile was 1120 and 1the 75th percentile was 1370 on the SAT. Abigail was also involved in math competitions, the orchestra, and communityShow MoreRelatedThe Equal Protection Clause Of The Fourteenth Amendment976 Words   |  4 Pageswas Fisher vs. University of Texas. It was in this case that the plaintiff, Abigail N. Fisher filed suit against the University of Texas with the claim that the University had violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 13th Amendment. 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It questions the constitutionalityRead MoreThe Issue Of Affirmative Action Essay1667 Words   |  7 PagesMartin Luther King, in his I Have a Dream Speech, states â€Å"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character† for this reason affirmative action in higher education admission should be altered for it creates a perpetually racial preference in admission. Affirmative action is controversial due it s issue of whether the generation of today should pay for the past injustices done to certain ethnicities. It questions the constitutionality

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Narrative On Run Lola Run Essay Example For Students

Narrative On Run Lola Run Essay The movie Run Lola Run was written and directed by Tom Tykwer and stars Franka Potente as Lola, who needs to acquire 100,000 marks in 20 minutes to save her boyfriends life. The German production company X Filme made this movie in 1998 and was released in America by Sony Pictures Classics. In the movie, Lola finds out about the situation that her boyfriend, Manni, has gotten into by a call he makes to her to explain how he lost 100,000 marks that belong to a mobster named Ronnie, who will kill him if the money isnt there when he arrives. Lola tells Manni to wait for her to get there and he tells her that if she isnt there in twenty minutes that he is going to rob the grocery store to obtain the money and then he gets disconnected. Lola decides to beg her father, Papa, for the money to save Mannis life and from here the story diverges into three potential futures. In all of the possible futures, we see Lola running and passing by the same people and places and each time something different happens to Lola and to the people around her. We will write a custom essay on Narrative On Run Lola Run specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The twenty-minute deadline and the alternate futures are the plot devices used by the movie to show the affect that one person and one moment can have on somebodys life, no matter how insignificant the moment seems. Early in the film, Manni say to Lola, Love can do anything. While this is clearly the explicit meaning of the movie, I believe that there is also an implicit meaning to the film, which is that the slightest moment can change the rest of your life, for better or for worse. There is ample evidence to support both meanings of Run Lola Run. The support for the explicit meaning of the movie lies in Lolas intense love for Manni and the way she is willing to attempt to obtain the money to save his life. It is Mannis mistake of leaving the money on the train that causes him to become a causal agent in this film, but it is Lolas love for Manni that causes her to become a casual agent. She is motivated by her desire to save Mannis life that she is willing to try to get the money and make it to him in time without any form of transportation other than her legs. This is the biggest obstacle in the movie. As shown in the first possible future, when she cannot reach Manni in time to prevent him from robbing the store and it is her love for him that causes her to help in the robbery, which resulted in her death. In the second possibility, she overcomes the counterforce of her father, who appears to not even care for her, by robbing the bank he works at. She is able to get away with it at the time because the police dont think that she is the thief when she exits the bank and she is able to walk away from it. The problem is that everyone in the bank knows who she is and the police would be able to get photos from her father and the security cameras. She knew this before committing the crime but her love for Manni is too strong. Their love for each other is especially showcased in the scenes in which they die. By using mental subjectivity, the director allows us to see the last thoughts going though dying characters brain. They both see a conversation in bed in which the dying questions the others commitment to them. .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf , .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf .postImageUrl , .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf , .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf:hover , .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf:visited , .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf:active { border:0!important; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf:active , .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud11b3ef9e22cb359f1bf36b88d7a11bf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Withnail I - Screen Analysis EssayThen, the camera shows the bloody face of the dying as they realize that they are leaving their true love. Another way of looking at it is that the dying refuses to accept this fate and wills time to go back twenty minutes to see if there is a happier ending to their story and their love is shown in the final when Lola doesnt even realize that she is still holding a plastic bag full of money until Manni points it out. While looking at the implicit meaning to the film, which is that the slightest moment can change the rest of your life, is shown in all the possible ways the events can take place. One of the best examples of this is when Manni is robbing the store in the first alternate future. If Lola arrived a few moments earlier, maybe she could have talked Manni out of robbing the store and just running away with her. Those moments could have come from anywhere, maybe if she didnt ask for the time or the guard in the bank opened the security door faster rather than attempt to make small talk with Lola. There are so many ways the cause of her arriving late could have been changed. Another example of this is Papa talking to his mistress, Jutta. The unrestricted narration of this film allows us to know that in the final future that she may be pregnant with another mans child, even though she doesnt tell him. Papa is incredibly happy with the news that Jutta is pregnant, but we know that when he finds out that she was cheating on him, he is going to be furious at her. The unrestricted narration also allows us to understand the despair on her face when Papa leaves and she was unable to tell him that the baby may be another mans baby. The best example of how a moment can affect the rest of your life is the And then pictures that are shown throughout the movie. The man who tries to sell his bike to Lola is a fine example of this. In the first future, he sees Lola running and tries to sell her his bike for fifty marks and she tell him to get lost. And then, we are shown pictures of him getting attacked by thugs and falling in love with a pretty nurse at the hospital he is taken to. In the second future, he tries to sell the bike to Lola for fifty marks and she tells him no because it is a stolen bike. And then, we are shown pictures of him becoming a homeless bum. In the final future, she cuts him off and rides around her in a mocking fashion. And then, he rides up to a food stand and sells his bike to the homeless man who took Manni bag full of money from the train for seventy marks. The movie uses nondiegetic materials to shown the differences between the futures, especially the background music. The music in the back for the first two futures has the same fast beat and various other effects in common, but in the final future, the music is more upbeat and seems to be played at a higher octave than the other two. It almost sounds like they took a church song and quickened the tempo to it. The explicit meaning of Love can do anything and the implicit meaning of a moment can change an entire life are true to Run Lola Run, and I believe that those are the that the director and the writers wanted to make convey to the audience.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Of Cannibals free essay sample

An analysis of the essay Of Cannibals written by sixteenth century writer Michel de Montaigne. The essay Of Cannibals is a narrative prose by 16th Century French writer, Michel de Montaigne, describing the culture of a South American tribe (Native Americans). In it, Montaigne compares the Native American tribes society and culture with that of Western society. This paper discusses and enumerates these comparisons between the two societies, as well as describes in detail the different social customs and lifestyles of the cannibalistic group. A comparison and analysis of the differences between the two societies in Montaignes point of view is made for further understanding of the authors objective, that is, to criticize Western society of its conservative and strict compliance to dogmatic beliefs that continually plague the people from Western societies. Thus, Montaigne analyzes barbarism and civilization in context of the two societies. The act of war and cannibalism in this tribe is one important comparison of Montaigne to the Europeans. We will write a custom essay sample on Of Cannibals or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The author justifies the tribes barbarism and cannibalism through several explanations. According to him, barbarism, or the act of war popular among tribes people, is one of the two important articles taught in their society, that is, valor towards their enemies or resolution in war. Cannibalism is said to be done not for nourishment, because cannibalism for the tribes people is an extreme form of vengeance. Montaigne justifies this barbarous horror of so cruel an action by comparing the tribes cannibalism with that of cannibalism in Western society. For him, the tribes cannibalism is much more honorable and just, since the prisoner is killed first and only eaten when he was already dead. The Western society, on the other hand, practices a more barbarous act of cannibalism because, as Montaigne had described, [I] conceive there is more barbarity in eating a man alive, than when he is dead in tearing a body limb from limb by racks and torments among neighbors and fellow-citizens unde r color of piety and religion